I need to format an external, 1tb hard drive in the EXT2 format. I have tried to use the Disks application, but that only appears to let me format in EXT3/4.
The mkfs. ext2 command is used to format a partition or block device with the ext2 file system. The ext2 file system is a journaling file system, which means that it keeps track of changes to the file system and can recover from system crashes
mke2fs is used to create an ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystem, usually in a disk partition. device is the special file corresponding to the device (e.g /dev/hdXX).
Having completed the partition part, we go straight on to formatting the device in ext2. For this we use the tool mke2fs. This is straightforward. # mke2fs / ...
The principal tool for making an ext2/3 file system in a partition is mke2fs. It is usually found in /sbin. mkfs.ext2 and mkfs.ext3 are frontends which pass ...